Find movies with connections to nearby places

This uses data parsed from Wikipedia to map connections between places and movies. This could be where its filmed at, where its set, or any other reason why a movie would link directly to a place.

This idea came about as lockdown has forced more local holidays and while travelling even within a few kilometers it's been amazing to find all of the interesting information right on your doorstep!

The existing maps seem to have few items on them as they are building the database themselves, This map takes the wikipedia data dumps and parses them for the links, so you cant directly add a film / movie location to this tool, you would need to edit the information into Wikipedia!

Want to help me improve this ? The code is open source! Check out the code on Github

The IMDb Links are also provided by the page links on Wikipedia.

© Wikipedia data, provided with Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0

Information courtesy of IMDb ( Used with permission.